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CICO: The New Science of Communication

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CICO: Global Membership

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Press: CICO Global App APAC

Partnership with: Singapore start-up StaffAny, which offers workforce management tech solutions, has developed and launched a new mobile app: CICO Global (Clock-in, Clock-out). As many regional economies are slowly emerging from lockdowns, businesses are carefully reopening. The app helps regional businesses and their employees reopen in an efficient and safe manner by leveraging digital solutions to encourage businesses to easily employ safety measures, such as contact tracing, safe distancing, and staggered employee hours. A Singapore based start-up company that aims to connect human resources and operations within organizations, for greater efficiency, productivity, and better communications among staff. The company is supported by NUS Enterprise, the entrepreneurial arm of the National University of Singapore, produced at BLOCK71 Singapore, and founded by a team of alumni from the NUS Overseas Colleges program.

The CICO Global app is perfect for businesses that require the recording of staff attendance (in particular, part-timers or hourly workers), such as F&B outlets, convenience shops, and retailers like supermarkets.

To help the Asia Pacific business community fight against COVID-19, StaffAny is waiving CICO’s download fees for regional businesses until the end of this year. CICO is also in line with Singapore’s recently announced Fortitude Budget as it helps businesses use digital solutions to reopen in a safe manner and encourages workers to comply with post-Circuit Breaker measures.

CICO Global app is a workforce management mobile application that employees and their managers can use in the following ways:

  • Automatic timesheets – Employees use CICO Global to verify when they enter and leave the business. After downloading the app on their mobile phones, employees use the app to scan a QR code-based at the work premise. CICO Global verifies the individual, time of arrival and departure, as well as the geo-location of their mobile. CICO Global then automatically calculates the number of hours registered at work, including overtime. This removes the need for manual clock-ins (which can be easily misrecorded) or outdated punch-cards. The contactless system also reduces the chances of any virus transmission. When employees clock in, they can also make a health declaration to confirm they have not traveled abroad recently or been in contact with a COVID-19 patient.
  • Dashboard for visibility – As mentioned above, the app has capabilities of clocking in hours of work. Managers no longer need to visit each outlet to verify staff have clocked in for work. Using the CICO Global dashboard, they can easily verify attendance and clock-in/out times. By tracking staff properly, managers can ensure staggered hours and that employees are not being cross-deployed to different outlets.
  • Notifications – When the assigned staff does not clock-in, CICO Global notifies the manager so that necessary action can be taken. Notifications are also provided to employees to remind them of an upcoming shift. This helps prevent lateness and no-shows.
  • Recordkeeping – All records are within the app and can be easily exported. This eliminates time-consuming paperwork for multiple records, such as health declaration, temperature taking, or clock-in/out times.

As we are aware, economies are easing their lockdowns slowly, co-founder of StaffAny, Janson Seah comments that they want to minimise chances of a surge in the number of cases of Covid-19. It would make sense that some regulations and measurements stay in place like social distancing, staggered working hours, no cross-deployment of your employees and contact tracing. He commented that “This is why StaffAny will keep providing CICO Global for free to regional businesses until the end of the year. Hopefully, this will help everyone to stay safe and efficient at the workplace, as regional economies start to open up for business again”

Setting up the app is another easy task, it’s instant, and does not require any hardware. Businesses simply log on to CICO Global (link is: https://www.staffany.com/cicoglobal) and sign up. For more details on the waived fee – so if local businesses sign up by the 31st of July they can access the CICO app for free till the end of this year. (with StaffAny waiving the regular fee of S$39 per month). After signing up, businesses can start instantly by adding their employees’ details in bulk. Employees will then receive an invitation from their employer via SMS to download the CICO app and they would be able to clock in immediately.

Press: CICO Human Resources Communication Strategies

CICO works in synergy with many HR ambassadors to improve a unique approach to new employees, since CHROs, HR VPs, HR Managers and other Senior HR brotherhood technology decision makers constantly share their experiences and wisdom, therefore, continuous strategic assertiveness is required .

Press: CICO New York Award

New York: Each year, in and around the New York area, the New York Award Program chooses only the best local businesses. This prestigious recognition is focused on companies that have demonstrated their ability to use various smart marketing methods to grow their business in spite of difficult economic times. The companies chosen exemplify the best of big and small business; often leading through Customer Service and Community Involvement. This recognition is a result of a continuous improvement of business Insights and strong Dedication and Efforts.

The Award Program is an annual Awards Program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented Programs to generate Competitive Advantages and Long-Term Value.

CICO Europe: Growing

CICO: Architecting Compelling VOICE Communication

CICO: Moving Forward through Focus

Ambition is the path to Success. Perseverance is the bridge that brings you there.

Quotes CEO:

CICO: Creativity is The Gate to Solutions

Artwork from the collection of CEO Carl Vermeulen 120 x 160 cm / ARTIST


A necessary element that a business need to be successful is Creative Thinking. To do so, a business owner and its employees need to be Inventive. Creativity and Innovation are essential to accomplish the Corporate focused goals. Creative Thinking involves Thinking Ahead and Beyond present times to achieve an outstanding result. Creativity is the birthplace of New Opportunities.

CICO: A Mindset of Leadership

Audaces Fortuna Iuvat: Only Courage will lead to Success. By seeing Opportunities and by working in a Powerful and Strategic way, Projects will be Accomplished as they should”.

CICO: Entrepreneurial Voices

CICO: Human Capital Diversity

 CICO: Latest New Clients with Partner

CICO: Change Behavior Work

Apple Short Film About the Bonds of Family and Home in Rapidly Changing China – The Chinese New Year spot was shot entirely on an iPhone XS

While much of the ad is a scenic travelogue from rural China back into the thrum of city life, the centerpiece is a rather unceremonious white bucket, held tight with yellow tape. It’s a gift from the young man’s mother, one of many Chinese parents who send their adult kids back with flavors of home. Connections to home can often feel like an anchor, one that grounds you to your roots but also occasionally feels like a weight that’s a lot to carry when you’d rather wander free.

CICO: Product Placement Work / Consumerism

Tropicana, Oscar Mayer, H&M and More Partner With Kraft to Provide Donations for Federal Workers

Kraft opened Kraft Now Pay Later, a pop-up grocery store located at 1287 4th Street NE in Washington, D.C.,
on January 16. Four days later, the company took out a full-page ad in the Washington Post to implore other brands to join them in donating their goods to line the shelves of the store, which is offering free food and other products to federal workers who aren’t receiving a paycheck during the government shutdown. Any current government employee with a government ID will be able to shop at the store for no charge.

CICO: Awareness Work / Data & Monitoring knowledge to follow Climate Change / MERMAID

WWF Introduces Free, Web-Based Tool To Help Scientists Study And Save Coral Reefs

With the fate of coral reefs on the line, WWF and its partners have exciting plans for putting MERMAID to use in making faster and better conservation decisions in 2019. The application will soon be able to conduct basic analyses on datasets and produce graphs, reports, and maps. These tools will be pivotal to the speed at which researchers communicate with conservation managers, policy makers, and local communities. There is still hope for the future of coral reefs, and technologies like MERMAID can help us keep pace with a changing world.